Last year I had enrolled in Arabic for Beginner class. My intention is to learn and understand this beautiful language which had been chosen by the Almighty. Here I will try and share what I had learned and hope someday Allah swt gives you and I the gift of understanding the Arabic language.
Introduction to Arabic Alphabets
There are 28 alphabets in the arabic language. Below is how it is used in words.
Alphabet Meaning
A - Al Alif Alif ( the alphabet )
B - Bait House
T - Tilmidh Student in primary
Th - Thalathah 3
J - Ja`mi'ah University
H - Hur`uf Alphabet
Kh - Khoir Good/ well
D - Madrosah School
Dh - Dha`lika That
R - Rob God/ Almighty
Z - Zauj Husband
S - Sayya`roh Car
Sy - Syamsiyyah Umbrella
S - Soba`h Morning
D - Abyad` White ( color )
T - To`lib Student in Secondary/ University
Z - Bu`zoh Ice cream
`A - `A`ilah Family
Gh - Ghurfah Room
F - Fursoh Pleasure
Q - Qolam Pen
K - Kitab Book
L - Ha`l News
M - Mudhakkar Male
N - Laun Colour
H - Ahlan Welcome
W - Huwa He
Y - Yaum Day
Here I try my best to deliver the sounds and words used say these alphabets, As a student of this beautiful language I ask Allah swt to forgive me for any errors that I make knowingly or otherwise. The first step is to be able to recognise the alphabets in this words and better still practise writing it in arabic.
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